私愛君 Aishiteru A Japanese American Love Story
English Lyrics by American Poet Carolyn
Joyce Carty (excerpt)
The poem I wrote for you I believe in you I believe in true love Who
are we....
I am I You are you But we are we That is the world To think
compassion for others again
Here we are About us and Aishiteru For the man that you are Do
not hide what you see That is the world
Old souls we are from the days of old To bring the love of life back
around Like the meaning I think Aishiteru And I am needing you
Oh Yes, it is I who understand you That I am rare You who wrote If
you are human you should do
See you are here right now I could walk with you through the sky For
you who understood Aishiteru
Aishiteru A Japanese American Love Story |

Aishiteru A Japanese American Love Story |
Aishiteru A Japanese American Love Story
Authored by American Poet Carolyn Joyce Carty
Aishiteru A Japanese American Love Story by American Poet Carolyn Joyce Carty poetry written by Carolyn inspired
by Japanese Poet Shigeaki Miyazaki of Japan. The love poems are writtten in the Japanese & English Language.
About the author: Biographies & Memoirs of the Rich & Famous
Aishiteru - A Japanese American Love Story by American
Poet Carolyn Joyce Carty; poetry written by Carolyn was inspired by her love for the Japanese Poet Shigeaki Miyazaki singer,
songwriter known as Aska, Shigeaki Miyazaki (Aska is a world renowned Poet, Composer of Music, the King of JPop from Japan.)
The love story; Carolyn writes her love poems her replies to Shigeaki's love songs & his poetic style. Shigeaki
writes music lyrics, love songs and sings holding his audiences captivated worldwide. Carolyn's poetry is also known worldwide.
Carolyn decided to expand her writings to include the Japanese language. She wrote the Japanese love poems for Shigeaki. The
love story theme; two world renowned poets living a world apart with two hearts that become one. Carolyn inspired to finding
love (something we are all looking for) and through her admiration for Miyazki then wrote the love poems for Aska (Shigeaki
The love poems titled; Aishiteru, Man & Woman, The Language of the Heart, The Footprints of My Heart,
ID, Love Forever, Footprints, The Love Story of Many Dreams.
Aishiteru Japanese American Love Story Love Poems
Japanese Poet Shigeaki Miyazaki & American Poet Carolyn Joyce Carty.
Love Poems
検討 Chage及びAskaのミュージックビデオ愛詩CarolynジョイスCarty;
製品の説明 Carolynが書いている日本の日本の詩人によってShigeaki宮崎詩人のCarolynアメリカのジョイスCartyの詩歌による日系アメリカ人のラブストーリーが促したAishiteru。
Footprints Poem Author Carolyn Joyce Carty |

Footprints Poem Author Carolyn Joyce Carty |